Quotey Mondays – Quote from Anne Sullivan

From the desk of Esther:

It is okay to begin, stop, look back, take a break and then continue. Our life is a continuous learning process filled with experiences. We need to ensure that we learn and enjoy the process along the way.

“Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose – not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember.” ~Anne Sullivan~

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Quotey Mondays – Quote from Rudyard Kipling

From the desk of Esther:

Almost the whole world celebrated Mother’s Day yesterday or today (depending on your timezone).

The role of the mother is specialised as she is the one who brings life to the world. But the role of mother cannot and should not be restricted to females who bears a child and nurtures a child. Each one of us can take on the many duties of a guide, lead or support for someone. I have seen or witnessed a male acting the role of mother for his loved ones.

Our God, who is part of our daily life and happenings, has no gender restrictions. So, let us take a moment to pray and thank God for the various roles he is always playing in our life. Let us also give thanks to God for allowing us to be a guide, lead or support in someone’s life.

Happy Mother’s Day to all!

“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.” ~Rudyard Kipling~

Photo by Nandhu Kumar on Pexels.com

Thursday Dandelions – Colours all over

From the desk of Esther:

Everywhere around us are colours. Everything around us is bursting with colours. As such, how can one not love our colourful world, as it is? Over the years, colouring has become a therapy. Gone were the days where colouring was considered a children activity. Now, colouring for adults has gained popularity too. There are many types of researches conducted to explore the impact of colouring on adults.

There are many types of colouring pages, varying from mandala colouring, intricate designs colouring to flower colouring. If you have never tried colouring at all, why don’t you give that activity a try?

For a start, all you need is some printable colouring pages and colouring instruments. For colouring instruments, we are spoilt for choices here in Singapore. We have various brands of colouring instruments such as Schwan-Stabilo, Staedtler, Faber-Castell, LYRA, Crayola, Derwent and more. For colouring books, here we have many bookstores that sell the hard copies here. But one word of caution, the printed books are not cheap. If you are unsure whether this is something you will like, why not print out a few colouring pages from the web and grab a few colour pens or pencils or crayons and colour to see whether it can make a positive impact.

Articles on Benefits of Colour / Colour therapy

3 Reasons Adult Coloring Can Actually Relax Your Brain – Not just for children anymore (from the website: Cleveland Clinic)

The Benefits of Adult Coloring: 10 Reasons to Color Yourself to Calm by Alfred James (from the website: Pocket Mindfulness)

Sources of Printable Colouring Pages

From the website of Crayola

From the website of SuperColoring

From the website of Faber-Castell

So, without wasting any time, if you are bored and instead of rambling with several thoughts in your mind, grab a colouring page and colouring instruments and dive into a world of colours in mindfulness and meditation.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Quotey Mondays – Quote from Rumi

(I choose to start this blog rolling with this quote. Rumi is one of my favourite poets. His works never fail to amaze me and move me to tears at times. In my personal opinion, Rumi works focus on our inner connections, love, joy, peace and purpose.)

From the desk of Esther:

Many times, we would have fallen – not physical, but in terms of emotions and feelings. As humans, all of us possess various resistance levels. At times, even our resistance levels are not enough for us to continue and we may “melt” or “break”. It is common for people to condemn or say negative things when we fail. It does not matter how many times we fail. Each time we meet a failure, we need to place our trust in God / Source. We might not get the answers we want, but we will get some form of determination or hope in another way to continue.

There is no beginning or end in anything. Everything is a continuation. And if we do not continue to move forward despite our failings, who else will? So, my friends, let us all move on in faith and hope at any given time.

“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn’t matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come.” ~ Rumi ~

Photo by Steven Hylands on Pexels.com

New Beginning / New Opening / New Birth

Welcome! Right here in Singapore Western area, a new blog has been born today, 19 February 2021, Friday at 5.58 pm. And the name of the blog is “Broken Clay Vessels”.

Yes! I am doubly excited about the launch of this new blog. Together with my sister Eunice, I am excited that I will be sharing many things over this blog with all of you.

Our new post will start rolling in on 01 March. Look out for it.

Meanwhile, enjoy life. 🙂

Best Wishes,

Photo by Gelgas Airlangga on Pexels.com